Facts Haven SAS
Facts Haven is a French company established as a "société par actions simplifiée" (SAS), i.e. a simplified joint-stock company. Its share capital ("capital social") is 20 000€.
Its registered office ("siège social") is located 4 chemin du Miraillet, F-38240 Meylan, near Grenoble,France.
Its international VAT id is TVA FR77814903068.
Its Internet domain name is factshaven.com.
It is registered with SIRET 814 903 068 00017 at the RCS of Grenoble (RCS is "registre du commerce et des sociétés"), pretty close to the center of the picture below.
All communication shall be directed to contact in the Facts Haven domain (just join contact with the domain name with an at sign). To avoid spam, we do not provide a machine readable email address.
🚘 Waze : 45.228260, 5.782560
Jean-René Bouvier, pictured here, is the CEO of Facts Haven. He likes mountaineering, skiing, mathematics, programming (Julia, Javascript, Python, C), the English language, baroque music and good food.